1. Use on Wall Hung Toilets?
Sani Seal Waxless Gasket can be used on wall hung toilets where a wax ring typically can be used. If necessary a small amount of plumbers paste or other adhesive can be used to hold the Sani Seal in place while installing the toilet. Sani Seal Waxless Gasket works great on floor mounted rear discharge toilets where the flange in mounted in the back wall. The bolts keep the gasket from slipping like wax can over time.
1. Is this re-useable?
Yes, in most circumstances it is re-useable.
2. What about long term reliability?
Sani Seal has a lifetime warranty. It has been tested since 2010 without issues. We do extensive testing on several gaskets from each batch we manufacture: Compression testing, 64 test fixtures with constant chlorine water flow, UV testing, and several others.
3. Can it be stacked?
Yes, Sani Seal can be stacked for installations where the flange is more than 3/8 inches below the finished floor.
4. If you have a leak common sources are:
A leak at the tank to bowl gasket, water splashing to the tank lid and dripping down the side of the tank (a bad flapper may cause the fill valve to remain open and exacerbate this issue), condensation on the tank. A drop of food coloring in the tank may make it easier to track down a leak.
5. What if the flange is above the finished floor?
Unfortunately, if the flange is more than 1/4-3/8″ above the finished floor, Sani Seal will probably not have enough room to compress. This usually is an issue even if you use a standard wax ring as it usually squeezes all the wax out and will eventually leak. The best thing to do would be to lower your flange, if possible. One alternative would be to use 1 or more “toilet riser plates” made by Oatey and sold at Lowe’s; or regular toilet shims to raise your toilet. The riser plate can be easily cut to the shape of the bottom of your toilet with vinyl shears. Please find a link below to the riser plate: http://www.lowes.com/pd_253138-138-312584_0__?Ntt=253138&UserSearch=253138&productId=50319407&rpp=32
6. Can I trim the gasket?
While the Sani Seal is extremely durable, any puncture, hole, tear, etc. could possibly compromise the seal.
7. Can you use sealants with Sani Seal?
Plumbers Paste or silicone caulk can be used with the Sani Seal.
8. What is the plastic washer that comes with the bolts for?
The plastic washers you probably will not need. They are included in case there is no subfloor under the flange. The plastic washers go on the bolts before the gasket to hold the bolts secure to the flange, keeping them from falling through to the open space under the flooring. The steel washers go on after the toilet is set then the nut is placed on the bolt – this keeps the nut from going through the bolt holes in the toilet. Please see image below:

9. What if the horn/extension on the bottom of the Sani Seal does not fit well in my flange?
For this application just fold the horn in on the Sani Seal and install it with the flat side up. Please see image below: